Race Horses, etc.
The Podcast Celebrating Horsemanship
I hope you will join me as we explore the timeless relationship between people and horses and talk with the best horsemen and women in today’s Thoroughbred Racing. What we focus on matters, and by focusing on what is right in Thoroughbred Racing we expand the goodness! As a result, we honor the horses and the horsemen.
~ Carolyn

Horses speak to our souls and require communication from the whole of who we are.
- How do the great horsemen and women of our time communicate with horses?
- Where did they learn to how to speak to horses in a language of reverence, with discipline?
- What does it take to bring out a horses’ potential on the racetrack or in the show ring, all the while understanding his needs?
First, we dive deeply into what the best trainers learned from the masters and how they carried these lessons forward.

Next, we hear from the jockeys and exercise riders to get a glimpse of the communication happening at full speed!

Finally, we find out how the best owners cultivate the horsemanship in their trainers, bloodstock agents, and sales consigners.

Our history was built with the horse, and our future will be made richer by keeping him close to us. The agricultural lifestyle is largely behind us, but through sport we maintain our proximity to horses.